Monday 12 October 2015

Summon and The Library

The Library can be a scary thing!

In this seminar we were made to all take out a book that was relevant to certain movements within graphic design. The book I Picked was: Keith Haring - Heaven and Hell. I picked this book , not only because Keith Haring is one of my favourite artists but because he was a pioneer within Pop Art too. Keith had a very unique and simplistic style that is recognisable  by a wide audience. Even though Haring was an active artist at the time of Andy Warhol he still stood out from the crowd as one of the more recognisable artists within New York at the time. Harings art was more about portraying messages about situations occurring in New York at the time where as Warhol just produced colourful and Vibrant images. 

Below are examples of Keith Harings work within the book:

Keith Haring - 1958 - 1990