Thursday 1 October 2015

Drawing 1 - Location

In the first Process and production task we were set out to produce a series of location drawings around Huddersfield town centre. These drawings could be created using multiple tools that we were given to use such as: finalisers , pencils , Pro markers and charcoal. We were also given an A2 sized art board to carry with us , this art board provided a sturdy drawing surface for us to work effectively in all locations we were given. 

Locations we traveled to included;
- Market and Piazza

- Gothic Quarter

- New Street shopping area (Primark)

Subjects we were asked to draw included;

-Line drawing study, featuring perspective.

-People and places

-Type in context



-Architectural themes

I felt that i did struggle in some parts of this task as it is something i am quite inexperienced in , particularly the perspective drawing parts , however i hope these sessions will develop my skills allowing me to progress further when using these techniques.
Perspective Drawing
Above is my attempt at the perspective drawing , this image is specifically of the gothic quarter in Huddersfield town centre. I struggled with the perspective drawing as i could seem to get the right angle with the lines to allow the buildings to fade off into the horizon smoothly. Instead it felt as if my structures were starting to look ut of shape. I also tried to make my images as detailed as possible but realised about half way through that detail isn't key and rough sketches can also be just as effective. Therefore if i was to do this again i would pay too much attention to detail and focus on sketching the main parts before paying attention to the finer detail.
Movement Drawing

In this image i looked specifically at the Coffee cali shop front , i chose this area as it seemed like a good location to draw movement. I first sketched the shop front onto one side of tracing paper then waited half an hour before sketching it again. this shows the difference in movement among the sample space over half an hours time. As you can see on the image above people have moved and populated the other spaces around the shop front.
People Drawing

In this drawing i didn't specifically chose people to sketch but instead i chose a pigeon as they were a common subject around the town centre and all looked very similar. For this drawing i experimented by using charcoal for the first time. I felt that the material was fairly easy to use and worked effectively when mapping shadows and areas that required mass shading. I would like to work in charcoal more often as i feel that it is one of the instruments that gets left out.