Monday 26 October 2015

Typography Seminar

This seminar consisted of each person in the session being given 3 post-it-notes and given the task to design a typeface for the 3 letters we were assigned. I feel that typography is one of my weak points within my studies therefore it would be good to get a different perspective of what everyone else think of it and how they approach the typography task.

The letters i were given were Q R and S , it took me a while to establish an idea for these but eventually i settled on creating the letters out of basic shapes instead of drawing some kind of funky 3D text. i tried my best to make the 3 letters easy to read but detailed in the style they were produced. 

As you can see above my 3 letters flow into each other by one part of the shape being present in the other letters. If i was to improve this design i would make the pieces of each letter slightly bigger as they were quite small and flimsy and took a while to arrange correctly.

After everybody finished their pieces we arranged them into a typography alphabet which displayed the different designs to the rest of the session , i felt that this was useful as i would be able to take inspiration from this.