Thursday 15 October 2015

Blog Setup / Vimeo Account

This process and production session involved initially setting up our blog to allow us to start documenting about our Theory , Process and Production and Studio lectures. In this session we also begin to start our small animation about a book of our choice and set up a Vimeo account to show it on.

We created our Blogs using Blogger , which is run through Google , other potential sites we could have used were Wordpress and Tumblr however they are all more technical than blogger so we used it to get our posts up and published as soon as possible. We were shown how to lay our blogs out then were given time to customise it to how we wanted it to be presented. Although mine is nothing special in the design aspect of things it is still clear and presents information easily. The 3 main items we had to blog about were Process and production , Contextual/Theory and Studio sessions. As well as anything personal that we think will fit in , e.g. videos , book , exhibitions and artists that may link to my work.

My Blog ( You're on it )

We then set up our vimeo account which literally involved putting in an email and password so didn't involve any serious design aspects like blogger. After setting up our Vimeo account we were given the task to think of a book we enjoyed , in this case i picked A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess (1962). Although unfinished yet my animation consisted of the iconic Clockwork eye emerging on the page and leaving swiftly. I wanted to make my animation like this as i felt that it would allow the audience to identify what the Book was without seeing the title. In my next sessions we will use After effects to string our frames together and hopefully create a successful animation.