Wednesday 14 October 2015

Reflective Writing

This Seminar on reflective writing was lead by Amanda Tinker. We looked into a variety of topics in this session, including:

  • What is reflection?
  • How and where does it happen?
  • Models of reflective learning.
  • Reflective writing examples.
  • Process and practise of reflection.

First of all we discussed what reflection was. It is an ongoing process of thinking about your development in relation to your work, a personal  review of your work as your project unfolds and a way to gain new perspectives on you and your work.

Amanda then discussed reflecting before taking action on your project and went on to talk about how weighing up different courses of action before deciding what we should finally do.
This can be doing things such as thinking on my feet and reflecting on split second ideas and decisions. Amanda then went on to say that we could ask many questions such as:

"What can i do to improve things?" 
"How can I make use of what I have learned?"

As a task, we were given lumps of text on the screen and asked to decide whether on not they were examples of a useful reflective account. The first one we looked at didn't stand out as much. It was very simplistic and had poor sentence structure. We looked at how the different texts could vary. The second was laid out completely differently by using lists which changed the effectiveness of the reflective strategy. The final example was a rather detailed list,which gave a detailed and careful summary of all points .