Wednesday 7 October 2015

Approaches to Research - 20 Questions

In this seminar we were asked to get into pairs and ask each other 20 questions about a specific object. This task was particularly entertaining and also acted as an ice breaker to the seminar as many of us hadn't developed specific friend groups and links with other students yet. For this task i chose to work with Jack Pomfret.

The aim of the task was to show us how to dig deeper for information about something and show how you would word your questions in order to do this. However unlike a typical 20 questions we had to write the questions before we had even thought of the object , this was to show us what our original ways of gaining research were like and how (after the task) they could be improved on to get the best result.

some of my questions included;

-"is it an object?"

-"Does it require a power source of some kind?"

-"is it currently present within this room?"

To my surprise the questions i had drafted before had actually worked , as i managed to guess my partners object. However the strange thing was that we both picked the same object - An Ethernet cable port , something of which i would have never thought someone else would have picked. 

Could this be that we have the same thought process when researching?

Or do great minds think alike?

ha ha