Friday 23 October 2015

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

For one of our studio sessions this month we visited The Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP). Although it was pleasant to get out and about to shoot images for my primary research i felt that the location wasn't ideal as my sense of place project is very city based. However it did provide a alternative view on how i could take this project through a different route. 

Part of the park that stood out to me was the Rob Ryan : Listen to the world exhibition. Rob Ryan creates intricate creations out of cut and folded paper which is a very difficult and unique technique. The pieces that stood out to me were cuttings of villages and structures that looked almost like maps. These were relevent to my project as they were very similar to vector images that could be used to create a simplified map. I like how Rob Ryan creates his work as they are more of a physical finished piece which can be held and interacted with making it more interesting than a standard print. I also like how if a light is shone onto the work it creates a shadow in the shape of the art , this effect could be used to increase the size of the work onto a wall or object.

Pictures of us at the sculpture park