Thursday 22 October 2015

Urbanised - Film

In this lecture, we were shown Urbanised (2011) a documentary film by Gary Hustwit. The productions message was to "change people's ideas about something that already exists", and to show the use of architecture and how it can be adapted to suit the rapid development of population and culture within the modern world.

The film began with a voice over, stating: 'everything we see has been designed and planned'. we were then presented with several unique locations; Copenhagen, New York, Chile, Brazil, Detroit, Brighton, Cape Town, Stuttgart and New Orleans.These were all key locations where architecture had influenced the place and created significant new change to the location. For example in New Orleans houses were severely affected by Hurricane Katrina, so a lot of the land that was being built upon had no set plans, as this was originally not meant to be un-occupied land the city allowed  architectures to have a lot of fun with the plans, because there was no requirement to be met or no specific way how any structure should look.

Below are some of the notes i made during the film: