Monday 30 November 2015

Perception or Illusion

In this lecture we specifically looked at Perception or illusion , we started off the lecture by looking at  an image of a lamp post in the dark , we then discussed what triggers in our memory it could fire and what we could relate it to , for example , a walk home after a night out. Images like this help develop a deep sense of self awareness and allows us to perceive things differently , this of which will come in handy when designing in the future as it involves looking at a theme from a different perspective.

Perception - We looked at how the human eye is a form of perception , this is because we see every reflection of light upside down , however our brain knows to flip it the right way up. Below is a basic diagram of how the eye sees reflections of light and processes them:

We then moved onto looking at colourblind tests as they showed us that everybody minds perceive colours in different ways depending on the cells that are present in their brain. Personally i am rather colourblind especially to Reds and Greens , however other students struggled with these tests even though they do not class themselves as colourblind.

Further into the lecture we started to look at optical illusions and how our eyes can be tricked into thinking things are happening when they are not , the illusion below looks as if it is moving even though it is stationary. This happens because of the contrast in colours and our eyes are attempting to sort the colours out.

We then looked at the dinosaur illusion. This illusion involves a dinosaurs head that looks as if it is looking at you from whatever angle you look at it from. This looks like this as we have learnt as human that facial features sick out and that there is no other option for the face to go. As you can see in the video the illusion is created from inward folds with card.