Thursday 26 November 2015

Drawing 3 - Object

Moving away from structure drawing we focused on smaller objects. For this task we were each assigned a table to sit around , these of which contained different objects played out in various ways. Our aim was to draw with as much precision as possible , keeping the objects to a certain scale if possible. One of the first drawings i produced was a 'measured drawing' this is where you draw the objects in relation to another object for sizing references. In my case i chose to draw the stack of objects in relation to the size of my pencil when held up next to the object from my position. this allowed me to have certain reference points as to where each object should begin and end.

I felt that my drawing ended up being rather messy however it was a correct measured drawing and was drawn in perspective with the pencil using reference points. I think one thing i struggled with is that the top object had quite a complicated shape which made me ore reluctant to getting stuck in drawing it.

The next table i was allocated to had lots of large typography pieces scatted around the table in different variations. with these pieces i wanted to start adding colour variation to show some tone in the objects. I felt that i struggles with the typography table as the shapes seemed to be all rather complex , i felt that the angles were very hard to make exact. for example the G that is positioned onto of the G doesn't look as if it sits as smoothly as it should. this was the table that i spent the most time on proving it to be rather difficult. if i was tottery this again next time i think would pick less complex type , also picking different colours for the tone as they don't suit very well. shadow and tone would be one of the skills i would like to work on further in the future.

Other experiments included drawing with crayon , i attempted to draw the glass sphere in crayon as i felt it would create a glass effect with the shading being darker towards the edges and the light being focused around the centre. i liked this experiment as it was pleasant to use something to draw with that was different from marker and pencil. i feel that crayons bring out a nice range of colours that people neglect.