Monday 16 November 2015

Influence and Behaviour

Behaviour - the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.

Influence - the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.

In this lecture we discussed how Behaviour and Influences can effect peoples work in different ways , ways we identified that could effect you in every day life were:


We started by looking at Edward Bernays who was a pioneer in public relations (propaganda). Sigmund Freud (Phycologist) was Bernays uncle therefore allowing Bernays to have a psychological insight into his propaganda techniques , allowing him to adapt them to suit mass audience. he later published the propaganda book (1928)

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." - Edward Bernays (Propaganda 1928)

Wolff Olins - 

"We didn't want the logo to be the Houses of Parliament with a hurdler going over them and a brush stroke"

Wieden and Kennedy - Were assigned to create a campaign for Nike during the time of the 2012 Olympics. They focused on more of a cultural aspect for the campaign titled:  "find your greatness". The campaign didn't focus on the athletes but focused on key people in different environments to as they couldn't use any branding to do with the 2012 olympics. Focusing on the people associated and involved with the olympics was a way to unite the audience that couldn't make it to the olympics or were watching abroad and to show that they can be involved in the sports just as much as the athletes can.

FCB inferno - The company used the stats of  The London 2012 Olympics to create the "This Girl Can" campaign. This campaign focuses specifically on motivating the women of Britain to partake in sporting activities as there is 2 million less women than men that partake in regular exercise. But there is a huge opportunity that between the age of 14-40 75% of girls/ Women want to exercise more.

Red Bull energy drinks are a good example of Deception within industry. 'gives you wings' is Red Bulls famous slogan , claiming that the 'Wings' improve your performance. A $15 lawsuit was filed against Red Bull to say that there statement isn't true and they eventually lost , resulting in you been able to reclaim $15 back on Red Bull products if you still have the receipt.