Wednesday 18 November 2015

Genealogy Continued

In this Seminar we continued looking at Genealogy. Instead of looking into future Genealogy we looked at what a Genealogist is and what type of work they do. This seminar we didn't have any specific activities to complete however we had a range of videos that will be referenced below.

"The Genealogist examines the Preconceived and questions the phenomenon that we tend to feel is without history." 

We learnt that genealogists question the rules of items what already exist. We looked into objects or items that would have been classed as no history , we highlighted: Goodness , Badness , Punishment , Madness and sexuality. we looked into these to see if the mind could create a sense of history for these objects and see if you can go back to the beginning and re-create them. 

The Guardians point of view advert shows that a story or an object can be re-created or misinterpreted depending on how you look at it. Similar to how Genealogies work.