Thursday 19 November 2015

After Effects 2 - Book promotion

The second after effects workshop showed us how to link our frames together that we created in adobe photoshop. It took me a while to get the hang of this as i had 83 individual frames which all had to fit together in 10 seconds. 

I struggled to use After effects slightly as it was a very different interface as to what I'm used to using when designing print based media. I feel that in this session we were focusing mainly on creating a basic animation but using After Effects to stitch it together. We didn't focus on many skills that came specifically from the software , only basics such as: audio control , Opacity levels and creating solids for frames. 

Personally i felt that my animation was successful and gives a basic brief of what the book is about via the visuals. I feel that it worked as i used a lot more slides to create my animation as oppose to the 10 slides we were given to work from as a basic. However i do feel that there could be a quicker route around animating certain parts in After Effects therefore i am eager to see how this could be done. this is what we will be working on in the next workshop session using simple vector characters. 

Below is my Animation that is currently uploaded to Vimeo.

A Clockwork Orange from Ben Moulson on Vimeo.