Monday 23 November 2015

Message & Meaning

"The difference between poetry and practical messages is that the latter are successful only when we correctly infer the intention." - Michael Rock 

In this lecture we learnt looked into Message and meaning , how it can be portrayed to and audience and the different ways it can come across to different people around the world and also that all pieces of design aren't made just for the sake of it , that there is always a meaning behind work and there is always a message it has to portray. We looked at specific designers such as Anthony Burrill who uses large type to portray powerful messages and studios such as Kurzgesagt studios that use infographics to communicate themes that people don't normally know about such as : what is light?

Messagea verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly.

Meaning- Meaning is what the source or sender expresses , communicates or conveys in their message to the observer or receiver , and what the receiver infers from the current context.

Send (Encode)- This means translating information into a message in the form of symbols that represent ideas or concepts.

 We then looked into the work of Antony Burrill. His work was produced to display large messages that will either spark questions or produce motivation within the audiences mind. Burrill uses bold type and block colours that stand out clearly to anyone who can see the images. Burrill specialises in type and layout design using traditional ways such as printing blocks to add a more hand produced aesthetic to his work.

Kurzgesagt studio's produce informational videos that educate an audience through playful and colourful animations. Kurzgesagt focus on informing an audience on subjects that most wouldn't know much information about , most of these subjects are science related or questions that are not normally looked into without certain interest. The video we specifically looked at was "What is light?" , this video is included below.