Wednesday 15 February 2017

Cinema 4D 2 , Year 2

Cinema 4D ,  Generating patterns

After last weeks introduction to cinema 4D we began to explore into more advanced skills within the program. I feel that i gained a pretty good understanding of the tasks however more work needs to be put in as there were that many options and tweaks to make the final outcomes i will struggle to remember them all clearly. The main objective of this task was to construct various images our animations of generative patterns.

The first piece we created involved us starting with a long tube , we then removed the caps to create a hollow tunnel. We then used the twist effect to add a gradual bend to the structure.This was the base for our animation. We then explored further into the texture options. To get the striped tunnel effect we added the checkerboard effect to a texture but reduced the amount of column leaving us with stripes. These stripes gave off a trippy effect as they twisted down the tunnel. The second part of the piece involved creating a share that had the same texture in a different colour , we then added a slight reflectance to the spheres making them look similar to glass. The aim of the task was to make the spheres travel down the tunnel , to achieve this i added dynamics to each shape giving them hard textures allowing them to bounce off each other , we also had to add a low gravity emitter that spawned more spheres into the composition and let them travel down the tunnel.

One thing i found particularly interesting about this workshop in cinema 4D is that you could swap parts of the composition out for something else and they would retain the same settings such as the original square twist i Changed for a flower shape as shown in my animation below.

The second task was to create a generative texture more so than an illusion. we used a similar texture to the previous task however this time i chose to add thin stripes in illuminous colours. This texture was then added to a plane. At this moment in time the texture was still , therefore we added noise to the plane to make it rough , then a subdivision surface modifier to smoothen the edges. To give the plane some life we used the displacement tool which made the texture move in a random pattern . The style of the pattern depended on the projection that we chose , in my case i used the cylindrical option.

The final process for this workshop was a more simple design which used the emitter effect again. This piece involved colouring multiple planes in a post modernism colour scheme and having them rise to create a scene. This output focuses on the emitters settings showing how you can add random generations in speed and direction to get a different design every time they spawned. 

One of my favourite things i learnt from this session is that if you aren't hoary with the patterns you have you are able to pick a different generation seed to give you options which seem to go on forever.