Wednesday 1 February 2017

Self Publishing 4 , Year 2

Self Publishing - Stencils

This weeks self publishing workshop focused on stencil work. Stencils are commonly used in graffiti and streetward to transfer a complex design to a surface quickly. Graffiti is a form of self expression and is illegal in most places however it is an ever increasingly popular art form. 

Our task was to select a word from a shoe box then create a stencil from it. I picked the word fist however i didn't want to create just a simple fist therefore i added a smashed mobile phone to my stencil to make the image look as if it was rebelling against technology , i feel that the fist is an aggressive image that could be linked to revolution and uprise.

after creating my stencil we used print inks to print the design. Once dry we began cutting out another stencil to overlay on-top of my first design. 'Drown me in your sweet submission' was the phrase i picked , these are lyrics from the stone roses song 'bye bye badman'. i feel that this link in well with my first design as the stone roses first album cover is linked to the french revolution , the lemons were used as the protesters used lemon juice to counteract tear gas.