Wednesday 1 February 2017

After Effects 5 , Year 2

Infographics and Mapping

The objective of this workshop was to show how information may be displayed through animation , for this we took a route that we would normally take and turned it into a vector ready for animation , we also used a bar chart to display information and experienced with ways we could animate these.

At the beginning of this lecture we started off by looking at inspiration such as The exquisite ant on vimeo by the school of motion. This infographic animation showed how facts and figures could be presented in a clean smooth flowing way. my favourite aspects of this being their suitable use of texture for the animation.

When creating the map infographic i used a previous technique of having the stroke reveal a path. this was achieved by using the pen tool to cover the subject then setting options to reveal. A technique that i learn was that you can flip the order of the key points to reverse the direction using the keyframe assistant tool. after creating this i wanted a small red dot that represented me to move along the line. a new skill that i have learnt is how to get an object to follow a specific path. To achieve this i created the path in illustrator , then when going back into after effects i copped the path into the position tab of the object and it automatically key framed the motion go the object to the specific path.

The next stage of my animation was to create a bar chart that flowed smoothly, to display information. To get this technique we created masks that increased and decreased in size. We altered the anchor points to allow them to extend from the bottom of the chart giving them a rising effect.