Tuesday 8 November 2016

Studio Project 2

Brief 2

For a second brief of the year we were presented with a choice of live briefs , these briefs were set by YCN and the RSA and involve real life briefs from companies that involve students from national universities designing to win placements and prizes but most importantly to get their name out in the industry.

I took a look at both websites to gain an inside into what i wanted to look further into:

These Briefs were all heavily linked into industry and involved a more graphic design approach , most of the briefs were about packaging , campaigns or social media involvement.The briefs that stood out to me the most were;

Greenalls Gin - Creating a campaign involving classic British moments and gin.

Orchard Pig - Using Social Media to make the brand known as the only craft cider

The Grown UP Chocolate Company - create packaging for a personalised chocolate range

The RSA was more focused on creating a product to tackle environment or ecological issues. These briefs were of higher standard and you had to pay to enter however this award was more recognisable and was worth more in the long run. i looked over these briefs however i felt that non jumped off the page.