Wednesday 30 November 2016

InDesign 3 , Year 2

Presentation Skills

The aim of this workshop was to compose a standardised template to use when presenting work to clients. This would be useful as it saves time on creating one from scratch on every project that you receive and also gives your personal representation a sense of professionally , for example if somebody sees your presentations they can tell its yours by the personalisation and consistency in design.

We were to design the template in to sizes , one in A3 as this could still be presented on a screen but can also be printed to hand to the client as a in hand copy. The other template would be 1920 x 1080 pal, RGB , this one would be specifically for widescreen display when presenting to a client on a digital screen.

Personally , even though the task was simple , i struggled to get my head around it as i like to personalise my presentations depending on the client , i felt that a standardised presentation made it feel very generic. I do see the positive sides of creating a template as it saves time , looks professional , and can keep to a theme that represents yourself or design firm and will be recognised by clients , however i feel that this would be best used if i was an established designer. Which at the moment , i am not. 

One thing i found interesting in a guest lecture is that when designing for clients one firm used to make a top trump style card for each client to remind them what they wanted , this included a character designed after them , facts such as the brief , colour schemes , moods , interests and outcomes for the project. i feel that this would be useful as it constantly reminds you what you need to do in a fn and creative way.

When designing my presentation i chose to keep it relatively simple and straight to the point , i didn't want to bore the client and wanted to portray my designs quickly and clearly but also in a convincing and friendly way. I chose an accessible and clear typeface with different weights so i could order  show my information in order of importance. I used the typeface Roboto as it has many styles that can be adapted to suit different clients and create different atmospheres.

The key headings that i chose to include in my template were;

Title page , This included project date , client and other necessary information 

Introduction , This would deliver a brief overview of the project to the client to help them understand my chain of thought

Initial designs , These next few slides would include multiple designs which i feel were good but not quite the strongest 

Final design , The design i felt was best would be brought forward 

Refined design , these next few slides would show variation of this logo and how it could be changed , e.g. colours or slogans added.

Product Placement , Show how the logo will look on advertisements , packaging and other point of sale products.

Final review , Time for feedback on the designs and any additional information the client may require.