Wednesday 9 November 2016

Indesign 2 , Year 2

Typography and Layout 2

for this workshop we set out to create a series of posters using typographic styles to communicate a certain feeling to the audience. we were given different sets of rules to follow for each poster and had to design them as quickly and as effectively as possible. our first session focused on how typefaces can effect different mood and now this session focused on bringing this into practice via a series of briefs

Brief 1:
An established acoustic night that has been running for over 10 years, wants to attract a more student led audience and new acts. “Acoustic Club” is a laid back, respected night for gigging musicians, novices and people who play every week or every now and then.
Not just one type of music is played, so we need to look at something that is representative of acoustic sound and the variety of the people who play here. Capturing the laid back mood is important and that it is an open mic format. 

i chose to use the simplistic shapes to create the body of an acoustic guitar , the bar plays varied types of acoustic music therefore i used to simple but recognisable shape that wasn't bias to any specific genre. i ordered the type with the venue being the biggest as it is important that the venue catches your eye , then the event title , followed by location information. this is because the first largest type should attract the audience enough to read the rest of the poster.

Brief 2:
The Hudders eld Craft Beer Expo 2017 takes place for the rst time next year! Featuring the best independent
brewers from all around the UK, this new festival will aim to attract beer lovers from around the North of the country — we want to look cool, friendly and fresh. 

For this design i stuck to two colours . i picked the pale orange colour as it is a very common colour in beers and ales. i layered the orange type upon the main text as it felt like it was filling the text like a glass. i attempted to create a bottle out of type however i felt that it didn't look very effective and was a very common idea amongst the group. if the poster was a final production i would have the orange part printed on by a letter press to get a craft hand made feel to the poster.

Brief 3:
A poster to advertise “Wilson's Republic 6: ”; a design network for Hudders eld. The audience for this are very
design literate, and you need to attract them whilst also creating something that ts within the style of the previous event posters.
The overall theme for the evening and talks is: "Resilience". 

The concept for this design was that Resilience means to bounce back or change to suit conditions. i chose to use a red ball , the colour of Wilson's republic , to depict this. i chose the 3 different size balls to show the motion of the ball bouncing like a burst image.