Wednesday 23 November 2016

After Effects 3 , Year 2

Hand Drawn Effects

This process and production focused on creating a hand drawn effect within illustrator , this is an effect i have seen done many times before and is very popular in music videos and short animation , i like this style as it can be adapted to many formats and is also very common in music videos and tv advertisements. Just for One Day by Johnny Kelly is an example of the style we were attempting to get across in our own animation , i like this style as it is simplistic yet very effective and aesthetically pleasing , i like how the simple line drawings flow into each other smoothly creating an easy to follow timeline within the story.

I began by drawing the same drawing 3 times over , this was to get the old style flicker effect when animating our work. after drawing my character i scanned my work in and edited the scan accordingly. once edited i proceeded by importing my jpegs as a sequence , this was made possible due to saving each jpeg as 001 002 003 so the software knew the order of the sequence. once in the composition i changed the settings of the footage so it became a main piece and not just a composition , i then had to loop this sequence 50 times to keep a constant flow of the imagery. i then used the stretch tool to slow the loop as it was originally too fast. Then i drew over the original drawing using the pen tool , i made sure i drew over it in a similar way to how i hand drew it so the path would reveal the original drawing in the same way. Once the path was created i used Generate > Stroke , then edited the settings of the brush size and colour so i could see the path covering the original drawing. After this i selected the set to reveal option which revealed certain steps of the drawing at different parts of the clip. finally i added the multiply effect to the composition removing the white background and allowing me to add a textured background for extra effect.

After finishing this animation i experimented with spherical effects , to do this i created another drawing similar to my last character that would fit the sphere. once i had my animation i added a white background and pre composed my two clips , then i added the CC Sphere effect and toggled the setting to remove shadows to allow my image to be wrapped round a transparent sphere.

After finishing this animation i experimented with spherical effects , to do this i created another drawing similar to my last character that would fit the sphere. once i had my animation i added a white background and pre composed my two clips , then i added the CC Sphere effect and toggled the setting to remove shadows to allow my image to be wrapped round a transparent sphere.