Monday 24 October 2016

Business Lecture 4 , Year 2

Buyer Behaviour/ Business Issues

To Start this lecture off we were shown various advertisements that thought outside the box , these ways of advertising products were smart and involved using the surroundings to their advantage , this showed us that advertising doesn't always has to be print based through flyers or billboards and can be done smarter , this would achieve better connection with an audience. One of my favourite examples of this was the Rimmel - Quick Dry nail polish. The designer had created a surreal piece of art which looked like the the bottle was floating , the message it was trying to get across that the nail polish would dry as soon as it left the bottle! (as shown below)

Buyer Behaviour is how the buyer thinks before they purchase a product and how we can tailor a product to spark various points in this buyer behaviour resulting in a purchase.The chart below shows how the mind process flows within every buyer.
Buyer issues showed us that certain things can effect the buyers behaviour weather this be age or even mental issues, These factors can effect the demand for certain products but also create gaps for new productions to be tailored around these issues.