Wednesday 12 October 2016

Self Publishing 1 , Year 2

Drawing Skills 

This Process and production session focused on Zine illustrations. The Zine 'Short for Magazine' Involves a group of people or a single person creating a publication that can contain anything. Zines are not regulated by an editor and are usually published to convey self expression about an issue or event thats happening. Zines are normally non profit or are very cheap. A traditional Zine would be created on paper then be photocopied and duplicated as a low expense way of producing multiple copies.

I wanted to create a zine that had a very quirky and different feel , lots of zines have little stories which is what i wanted to create. My story was about Dogspotting: A large Facebook group that involves people taking pictures of dogs and rating them online. I felt that this had enough illustrative value for me to create an effective zine. 
The GIF below shows my publication.

I thought that my zine was visually connecting with the audience and looked good to the eye. I used different shapes to create an abstract feeling to the background. If i was to improve anything it would be my typography skills , i feel that when drawing quick typefaces my style can be sloppy and not look perfected , although i had little time to complete this it is something i will need to look out for in the future.