Tuesday 27 September 2016

Studio Project 1 - Cybernetic Self

Studio Project 1 / Week 1

This studio session opened up by us writing two words on a post it note. The words had to relate to What you think you are and What other people think you are. The words i chose to use were Charismatic to describe myself and Moody as what other people see my as. The idea behind this was to see how we perceive ourselves. this exercise showed that although we were all different we had similar ways of describing ourselves . people suggested that society pushes us to be modest about ourselves as people didn't want to say what they thought they were due to it seeming embarrassing or big headed.

After the exercise i started to research into the topic of Cybernetic Self. I wanted to focus on how identity can be forged through the internet. Such as Identity Fraud or Catfishing. My main focus was to look at advertising campaigns. 

Designers that stood out to me were:

Global Mobile Internet safety - Designed by Oglivy & Mather Sofia

This advertisement stood out to me as the internet is an unmonitored place and could lead to children being exposed to explicit content. this advertisement uses photography to show you a place you wouldn't let your children play , making out its just as dangerous for your child to play on the internet.

Innocence en Danger - Designed by Rosa Park

 This campaign focuses on false identities and stating that you dont know who is behind the emojis. The designer has used photo manipulation to create a fairly disturbing image of a person who's face is now in the shape of a well known emoji. I feel that this advert stands out by using scare tactics as the character looks awfully creepy.

Whats behind the smile - Designed by JWT
This design takes well known emojis and manipulates them in disturbing ways. this campaign focussed specifically on sexual abuse over the internet , similar to the last one getting across the point that people on the internet could be anybody , using the internet to create an alternative image of themselves.