Friday 30 September 2016

History of Animation

History of Animation

In the last year we looked at the history of graphic design and animation as a whole. however this year we began by looking at the separately to get a more detailed understanding of the subject. Over the course of the lecture we were  multiple animations that were significant to the development of animation.

Animation started back in 1834 with its simplest from, the Zoetrope. The Zeotrope consisted of a collection of images on the inside of a wheel that were rotated to create a moving image of a few seconds long. The Zeotrope was created by William George Horner (British Mathematician). In recent years the Zoetrope has been developed into a 3D form by Studio Ghibli , which later inspired walt disney to create a similar design. The 3D zeotrope consisted of models that were span fast enough to animate them even though they were stood still. The difference was that no viewing hole was required and could be viewed from any angle.

The creation off the rotarscope allowed animators to easily re create the previous drawing using a light box. Prior to this it was hard to draw consistent animations. All these forms of animation are anti essentialist , meaning that the animation isn't fixed. on the early forms of animation we notice that the drawings flowed into eachother other. Bruce Bickford produced Prometheus Garden in 1988. The animation was Anti essentialist style of animation showing that nothing was permanently fixed and the plot could evolve as the story moved along. The artist used plastercine models and stop motion animation as the material can be crafted into a verity of shapes.