Friday 30 September 2016

Seminar 1 , Year 2


In this seminar we began by breaking down how we would research into a topic. We identified key steps that allowed us to extract as much information from a source and be able to use it to the best of our advantage. 

we start with asking WHAT? , What do we want to create or investigate? This question gives you the foundation for thoughts , if you have no idea of what you want to achieve then there is no direction of thought.

Then the question is WHY?, What is the reason for investigating the subject and why does it relate to you? Look into what other creatives and researchers have done in this field to build your knowledge of the subject and spark originality.

Finally ending with HOW? How will you carry out your investigation and what kinds of tools , media and methods will you use to execute the task.

From carrying out all these steps the designer should have established wide knowledge of the task and have multiple ideas about how they would like to approach it. This also allows the designer to think about future plans. Research is key as it is used in professionally in industry. researching a subjects widens your knowledge especially if not much of a brief is provided.

We then applied this method of research to a piece of previous work. The Hear the Human project was created by AL Jazeera news channel to show that they looked beyond the story and went into the lives of the people they report about.

What?- TV and Online Documentary

WHY?- Al Jazeera wanted the public to know that it went beyond the headlines to find out what the people had to say other than just the reporters

How?- 6 People from different countries shared their incredible stories through a series of TV and online documentaries. deliberately directed in an elegant cinematic style and documentary style narrative.