Tuesday 27 September 2016

First Briefing

Brief 1

Our first brief is titled Cybernetic Self , it is a 4 week short brief that focuses on how personalities are built over the internet. Throughout this project we should explore themes such as:

Autopoiesis- Meaning creating or production , a system capable of maintaining and reproducing itself.

sociomaterial- Is the way that technology and sociology interact, especially how peoples activities are helped or shaped by technology in every day life.

Network Self- How someone constructs a personality and acts over the internet e.g an extension of yourself.

As the project is only 4 weeks the output will be very quick moving. 

Week 1 - Research/Idea Generation
Week 2 - Formalise and develop
Week 3 - Begin final output 
Week 4 - Finalise Ideas
Week 5 - Workshop Week 
Week 6 Assessment Week

Personally i feel that i may struggle with this topic as its not something i have explored previously , however it will be challenging which will test my abilities. I am producing a supplement for a magazine such as Vice , ID , Dazed or something similar. This could be a document or print that would be suited to the readers of these types of magazines.