Wednesday 29 March 2017

Self Publishing 5 , Typography Parts

Abstract Type

This workshop focused on selecting parts of 3 different typefaces and positioning them in an abstract collage/pattern. The parts are selected on whether we liked them or felt they would work well together. The 3 typefaces we used were: Baskerville Bold , Cooper Standard and Courier bold. All these typefaces had significant differences making the patterns all turn out relatively unique on each print.

one thing i struggled with when creating these prints was actually stencilling them to the page. I would have used card next time as the paint kept making the stencil weak causing un clean lines. However in some cases the grunge effect looks effective.

 Baskerville bold
 Cooper Standard
Courier Bold

My favourite design was defiantly the Courier Bold type , this is because it looks very similar to the work of Keith Haring , know for his simplistic pattern and figure design often using the similar style of patterns to fill blank space.