Thursday 14 April 2016

Cinema 4D 1 - Basics

Cinema 4D is one of the more Untouched softwares , purely because nobody has a clue how to use it and its insanely complicated without tutoring. I myself had looked into cinema 4D for my project 'visualising Sound' therefore had some basic idea as of what was happening on screen and what certain tools did what.

This tutorial was mainly about listening insanely carefully as there were that many items to edit one step wrong and everything fell apart. Our task was Generate a 3D Logo or name in Cinema4D, by extruding a vector created and imported from Adobe Illustrator. I began by typing my name in a font. Once the typeface was selected you could edit the thickness and spacing of the text to get a 3D effect. I played around in the settings for a while before setting on the right size for my task. I wanted to keep it simple so i only used the word Ben. i then added a ground to the text and edited the text settings so there was gravity on the individual letters making them sit heavily on the ground. After establishing some sturdy text i added texture to the ground (matte metallic) and a purple colour to the text. Originally this looked rather dull so i took it bit further and added light. I experimented with different styles of lighting but eventually settled for a spotlight as it provided the best effect on the textures. I found the realtime light interesting though as it acted like the sun and would position itself with whatever time it was on the clock , for example 12:00Pm and the light would be above the subject.

I repeated these steps for another step of text , this time using a stroke instead of block colour making the text hollow. The texture i used was like glass allowing the red light to be absorbed by and emitted by the glass lettering. Examples are shown below.

Overall i feel that Cinema 4D is a difficult piece of software to use and will definitely need some practise if i am to use it any further. One thing i would like to explore with it is product design and how you can make mock products such as bottles in the software. This is something i hope to explore in second year.