Thursday 24 March 2016

Drawing 5 - Constructing Alphabets

This session involved looking further into typography by producing three different rough sketches of typefaces. we would then choose to finalise one of these ideas and produced a refined version of the typography for our final typography session. i enjoyed this task as it allowed me to produce some quick fire typography ideas. this session allowed my mind to work fast and draw freely as the sketches only had to be rough. I made sure the designs i produced were very different styles so i had lots of variation to work with.

 My first rough typeface was very circular based. i wanted to keep all lettering within a 3x3 gridded circle to retain the style. I enjoyed creating this font as it was very different to conventional typefaces. one thing that i struggled with was creating this type quickly producing each letter , this proved to be fairly difficult and took quite long to create. i particularly struggled with getting each part of the circle equally spaced to retain the shapes consistency therefore i will most likely not be continuing with this font style.

 This typeface is a more simplistic Sans serif style , my aim was to not connect any of the parts of the type and use only straight lines and curves to create a sleek looking layout. This type reminds me of something that is stencil based and could be spray painted onto a wall. this font was a lot easier to produce than previous typefaces and i feel that it could be adapted into becoming quite a consistent lettering style.

This is my final typeface that i produced for the quick sketches , i wanted to try a more cartoon style typeface. this font gives off a muddy/slime feel to it , i added lines that made the text look as if it was melting in places. i feel like i will take this font into the final stages as i get the feeling that it could be adapted to different pieces and made into a more refined typeface. when creating it in final form i do need to retain letter sizing and a more consistent build in order to give it its best effect.

this task allowed me to work freely , under no pressure and really get a feel for type design. this was key as been new to type i needed time to get inspiration and explore possibilities. one thing i would like to do is take my type digital and start to play around with it as a vector image.