Thursday 17 December 2015

InDesign 3 - Interactive PDF

Our final Indesign tutorial showed us how to create interactive PDF's , this was an extension on generic pdf files as the interactive ones can contain internal hyperlinks , videos and buttons to create a different viewing experience. Our task was to create a PDF about music , specifically looking at Count Baise and Jazz.

I began the task by reconstructing an old percussion album cover on illustrator , we did this as we were to use it as our front cover , however the original image was far too low resolution. another reason was that changing it into vectors would allow us to link in buttons to the PDF. When creating the button i added a drop shadow that would activate when the button was hovered over so the user would identify the internal hyperlink.

This would link the reader to another slide of information , taking them through the pdf presentation in a more unique way to the conventional next button way. The slide that this led onto was about Count Baise , i didn't put any information in the text boxes , however i learnt about the placeholder text tool that would fill the box with random words to fill the page , i feel that this tool would be useful when creating a mock up for a project. 

The final step in the interactive text was to add the swing of change video to the PDF. I encountered a lot of problems with this step even though it was simple to do , i asked the tutor if there was a reason why the software would not place the video however we were unable to solve the issue. But to place a video in the indesign document you follow the same steps as you would for placing an image. when the user clicks on the video the video will activate and play. this would be useful when displaying animations we have created on a PDF for deadline hand in's.