Wednesday 5 April 2017

Self Publishing 6 , Mural work

Mural Work

At the beginning of this lecture we were split into groups and asked to pick words out a hat that created the sentence L'imagination prend le pouvoir (Imagination is power). My specific group was given L'imagination. We each created a design that was then voted to be part of the final piece. Sadly my design wasn't picked :'( The designs we created were drawn on a grid system so they could be easily enlarged. 

Once final designs had been picked we began enlarging our print , this was firstly drawn out in pencil , then outlined in paint and finally painted in. We chose a rather noisey colour scheme with alternative colours on each panel where as other groups went for a more simplistic approach.

I enjoyed this workshop as it helped my learn how murals would be created, i also enjoyed it because it allowed us to all work effectively as a team because most workshops is solo work.