Thursday 21 January 2016

After Effects 4 - Typography Facts

Previous animation sessions have focused specifically on character design , for this task we had to pick our favourite type face and create a short informational piece about the typeface. The typeface i chose to research was 'Roboto' , i chose to use this font as i used it in my first project and instantly fell in love with it , my favourite aspect of the font is that it is available in so many different weights and styles.

Roboto is a sans serif font that was created specifically by google for the android operating system. This font style has been used in thousands of mobile devices and android products. Google describes the font as "Modern , yet Approachable" and "Emotional".

My aim for this piece was to create an animation that flowed into each key scene smoothly , i felt that this was essential to my animation as simplistic type isn't very interesting to look at on its own. this session allowed me to combine my knowledge of animating shapes with keyframes and animating type to create a more advanced piece of work.When choosing colours i stuck to black and white for the main sequence , however when mentioning 'google' i used the specific colours of each letter to add characteristics to the text. 

Originally i had difficulty trying to make the colours flash up separately for the word Google so i settled on bringing all the colours in all at once. Although i seemed help asking how to do this it proved to be too complex for the amount of time i had to complete the piece.

Towards the end of the animation i used the same shade of green that the android branding uses for their 'Android' character, i felt that adding this character would give the animation some more personality , making it more interesting for the audience and providing a direct link to android.