Wednesday 30 September 2015

Future Genealogies

What if Shoes ate Humans? - Future Genealogie

"A line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor."
In this first seminar we looked into what Genealogies were and how designers use them to motivate their creative thought processes. Richard gave us examples of previous scenarios such as "what if Dinosaurs were still alive" where we produced ideas as a whole seminar group. 

Later into the session we split off into smaller groups and produced ur own ideas (as shown above). Our groups idea was "what if shoes ate humans". we produced various ideas such as Cages , Muzzles , Training sessions and Rehab. from these ideas we then realised we could adapt these to all types of media , this included;
-TV advertisements
-Radio Adverts

Although the session was not about creating these products it showed how easily it got us thinking about creating the different products relating to our idea.

Post it notes mind map - Sense of Place

Above is another example of Genealogies , this time we used Post-it-notes to relate words to Place , this mind map was created to motivate and generate ideas relating to our sense of place project. The words i picked to add to the map were Safety , Music and Structure. All these words make me define a place that is or could be personal to me. 

Below is a time-lapse video of the mind map taking shape and becoming the finished product.